Last July 10 & 11, yours truly hosted a series of Webinars tackling working online. I want to say that it was a pretty successful Webinar that has inspired me to be more productive with my time and work more efficiently. I mean, I should put my money where my mouth is, right?
(I’m actually lagging a week behind in distributing the certificates and additional resource material. But I’ll get to that soon enough. I hope!)
A good keyboard is criminally underrated.
Now that I finally have a decent keyboard at home in the form of the Dareu K880 which has set me back PHP2,250, I have to say that I really enjoyed writing stuff. Albeit a lot of the stuff I have written lately won’t see the light of day, I am very excited at the possibilities available to me at the tap of my fingers. It was the first time that I splurged a bit of money for a good keyboard. I didn’t really understand the differences in terms of quality or usability, but damn… This keyboard is on another level compared to my go-to Logitech K480 that I have been using as my main keyboard. (I’m actually not having fun right now, writing on my K480 while my daughter is attending her class on my laptop)
To finally have a keyboard that behaves as intended is really a bliss for a wannabe writer like me. I still don’t see the need for an expensive mouse though.

Interest in doing live streaming of games
Aside from the new keyboard, I also got myself a new webcam. The Webcam is actually for Yannah Claire, because she broke my laptop screen and along with it its Webcam. Having a neat-o Webcam at the ready, I’ve slowly been thinking about the potential of venturing into the world of livestreaming some my favorite video games.
Sure, my laptop is not the most capable out there anymore with its ageing GTX1050Ti and mediocre HDD (it does have an SSD for the system), but I’m sure I can make do with this to play Dota or maybe start learning LOL. I won’t even have to limit myself to PC games after I acquire a Capture Card which I can utilize for my Nintendo Switch or Playstation 4. Let’s not forget my Mobile Legends interest, too.
Should the streaming thing take off, there could be potential for monetization in it and linking with my other online assets. It’ll be something that I truly love to do along with the ability to earn, but we’ll see about that. Streaming would allow me to interact with other players interested in certain games. It would allow me to show my skills or the lack thereof in Mobile Legends or Dota (Nature’s Prophet!). I could easily see myself do some bite sized streaming for 2-3 hours after work. It would be allow for every game session to be slightly different and dynamic depending on the people around. And even if there are no people around to watch my streams, it would be great to have an easier way to look into past games of mine rather than rely on Mobile Legends clunky replay option.
Having a decent camera and keyboard is just the start. There are a few more other things that I need before I can venture into streaming. The Capture Card, perhaps an external SSD, a type C Hub – these should pretty much serve as the starting accessories to get me going. I’ll also be needing a game-related domain name and a paid version of the xSplit camera to make use of the background blur or virtual background.
I’m eyeing to possibly start streaming games by the end of August after I have earned some more money and am more stable with the bills that I have (to pay)
I’ll go into more concrete detail about the game that I plan to play everything is a bit more ironed out. For now, I can safely say that these will be up on the priority list for me:
- Pokemon Sword and Shield Competitive Rank
- Mobile Legends Ranked Game (Cyclops, Layla, Lunox, Lylia)
- Dota 2 Ranked (Nature’s Prophet)
- Fifa 20/21 Ranked
Aside from gaming on live stream, having a better streaming and video recording setup also opens up opportunities on the more serious spectrum as well. It would mean that I’d be able to conduct more professional Webinars, record lessons and tutorials, all of which I can price for others to participate in or watch. So yeah, it’ll be a win-win!
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