Recently, I concluded a write up about my 2024 plans. It was an article leaning towards a more realistic approach, outlining things that would be fairly doable and attainable this year.
Now, I suppose… It’s time to dream big once again try to reach for the stars.
A Profession Within My Passion
My stint in Cebu was an enjoyable one. It definitely fared better than I realized at the point, in stark contrast to what I have got myself in right now. I would love, however, to have work that falls in line not just with my profession, but also with my passion. I hope that can continue to build myself out in the field of WordPress and Web Development. I do feel like I am far behind the curve already. But if not now, when?
I will get a high paying job within this space once more. 2024 is my year.
The Rise of the Pinoy Teenager
Yannah Claire will take the helm of Pinoy Teens – and hopefully love writing on it. I intend to expose her to blogging events and all those kinds of things. I understand that each and everyone of us is their own unique person, but I would say it won’t hurt if I mold her a bit after me. Not only from the Pinoy Teens perspective, but also by more extensively teaching her German so that she won’t forget.
Meaningfully Grand In Everything
I have been rather modest in most celebrations that took place thus far. But I think for this year, I will kick it up a notch and celebrate birthdays a bit more grand. Perhaps it will be a tick too soon for my mother’s birthday, but Yannah’s will definitely be a bit more extravagant than usual. For each special occasion that’s coming up, I will save up money for it for sure. I just need to make sure to remember these.
Unleash The Coach In Me
I am not quite sure yet if this refers to being a professional coach in the digital marketing space or whether it means becoming a coach of a football team. But I definitely want to exercise my craft of inspiring and lifting other people up.
Walking The Talk
More opportunities where I can become a speaker. Maybe at another WordCamp? Let’s wait and see what’s coming up on the calendar and pounce on it, if the opportunity is fitting. Maybe, I can even make this a combo with Yannah and have her travel with me to events and present alongside me. Exciting!
All these plans and more, along with those in the previous article make me realize how little of a time an entire year is.
Let’s see what I can make of it. For all I know and feel, 2024 is a rather important year for me.
[…] I want to think that 2024 was off to a great start. I even had plans for 2024 outlined early on as well. […]