May has been a rather mixed month for me, and there’s still a day to go before it comes to a close. On a very positive note though, I have felt much healthier as the month progressed. Sure, there have beenn days when I still felt down and unhealthy, but to a certain extent, I can say that I am in a much better place today health-wise than I was about a month ago. Let’s not even go as far back as March when my health went total haywire.
I am entering the upcoming month, my birth month and our anniversary month with much anticipation, a better mindset and some work to help sustain myself. I’m in a happy place, you could say. Sure, I am still playing this annoyingly ever green game called Mobile Legends… and I am trying as hard as I can to limit the game time. At any rate, game time has been quite diminished already not only because of work but because the last couple of days this May have been a bit struggling on my health as well. This is ironed out already, to an extent. I don’t always feel like there’s a lump of food in my throat, my breakfast doesn’t want to come back out at dinner time and I am utilizing only one or two gaviscon per day. Usually only as a precaution if I feel like I ate too much, and not as a reaction to me struggling to breath.
I expect great things from the upcoming month that starts this Monday. For one, I expect to put in at least 6 hours per day of work. And I mean to work before I play or read anything from the moment I get up. I need this huge push in productivity not only for myself but because I also feel good of the job that I have right now and I wish not to disappoint the client that I am serving/working with. I do hope that it will be a lasting partnership and that I can learn more from the said person over the course of the coming months.
With that said, I have laid out a number of items that I hope will get checked off during the month of June.
- Celebrate our Monthsary together
- Yes, this is a bit far fetched. But when I mean to say that I wish to celebrate my monthsary together with my girlfriend, I am open to not necessarily celebrating it exactly on our monthsary which is this upcoming June 6.
- Work at least 5 hours per day on average throughout the month
- Currently I’m hovering around half of that time and I’m sure that I can ramp it up. Should I be able to work at least 5 hours per day, I could even get my weekends off. Off ina way that I can do leisure activities such as play games guilt free.
Now that I’ve mentioned games, I also hope to finish the following games:
- Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
- Child of Light
- Kingdom Hearts 3
- Mario Rabbids
- Pokemon Sword/Shield Playthrough with the DLC
In terms of personal productivity here are some goals that I hope to achieve:
- Get a few guest posts for my blog
- Follow up on hosting payments
- Follow up on link placements
- Organize in a way that I can publish perhaps 3-5 articles on it
- Organize in a way that I can publish perhaps 1-3 articles on it
- Continue reading a portions of various books every night
- Publish at least once a week on this personal blog
- Be more diligent in keeping a journal of my daily activities
- Become more healthier
With those things said, I do hope that June has a lot of good in store not only for me but for everyone out there. For everyone who needs positivity in these trying times and even for those who haven’t realized yet that they need some positivity in their lives. The world is already struggling as it is, I hope that June doesn’t bring any more negative surprises our way. I hope that I earn enough money in the opening couple of days so that I’ll be able to perhaps hire (pakyaw) a whole van for Theya to come back to Davao.
Oh dear, hopefully all this and more will come into fruition before our anniversary, or at the very least, before my birthday on June 13.
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