I have always had some level of interest and love for cats. This has grown in multitudes thanks to my previous relationship, however. We started out with one cat, named Queen Cat Now, and from there, the merry family has grown and grown. I would consider myself quite a cat dad by now.
Since we parted in the 4th quarter of 2022, we somewhat co-parented some of the cats in our possession. She got Tommy, and Thalia, while I got the rest of the bunch. There has been some changes here and there though, because of varying circumstances in health of some of these cats.
It’s quite unfortunate, really, that the most beloved cat of all, Doctor Tommy has fallen ill. Ill to a point of no return.
But before we go that far.
Tommy, who has taken the nickname of Doctor Tommy, was our dearest most spoiled catto. Receiving all the love and attention a cat could ask for. It was a bit easier and more manageable then as well, since there were only three cats to start with. In return for being such a spoiled little catto boy, he became Doctor Tommy. Tommy would always sleep close to someone who was hurting. Most notably, when my mother was injured and had to undergo a hip replacement. After she returned from the hospital, Tommy would always sleep close by her injured side, even if my mom would try to kick him away. He would always return there.
Whenever either one of us was in some physical discomfort, he was there as well. Tommy was always there for us when we needed him to.
But we weren’t able to be there for him. To save him.
Out of all days that I could meet my ex, I saw her on June 13, 2023. My birthday. Tommy was ill, and had to be brought to the vet. It was quite a bill that had to be settled and that’s the day we learned of the many illnesses he has had. Fast forward a month and a couple of days later, he succumbed to his illnesses and was buried along with the other Germansion pets here on our compound.
June 13 would be the last day that I see both of them. Oh, I saw her in Upstairs a few months back. lol
You are dearly missed, my Tommy boy. I am sorry if all the money in the world couldn’t save you from how sick you have become. Thank you for gracing our lives with your time and with your presence. Bisan sige lang kag pang lungkab ug pagkaon, though pirmi ka naay pagkaon, you are dearly loved by everyone that has come to meet and interact with you. I hope and I pray that you are happy in cat heaven now, my dearest Doctor Tommy. I love you dearly.
Until we see each other again.
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